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AML and Customer Due Diligence

AML and Customer Due Diligence

HMRC requirements mean we will carry out our Customer Due Diligence using our AML Partners at artAML

Anti-Money Laundering:

Kramer Contemporary Ltd is regulated under the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds

Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017, per Amendment no.1511 (2019). The ref number as a supervised business

is XYML00000188729. For qualifying transactions and in certain situations, Kramer Contemporary Ltd will be required to

collect information necessary to comply. The completion of sales is contingent on the provision of such information by

customers and any suspicious activity will be reported to the National Crime Agency.

Registered in England & Wales. Registered number: 13634093. VAT Registered: 397 4562 45.

How can we help you?

To enquire about a piece or for some expert advice, complete the form, 

WhatsApp, Call or DM us on Instagram.

We look forward to hearing from you.